
cubo golf


Green fee (18 holed)

eur 105

Green fee ( 9 holes)

eur 75

Green fee - home players (18 holes)

eur 85

Players with valid membership card (for 2025) from Slovenian Golf Association.

Gree fee - home players (9 holes)

eur 60

Players with valid membership card (for 2025) from Slovenian Golf Association.

Green fee- home players with yealy membership (18 holes)

eur 72

Players with valid membership card (for 2025) from Slovenian Golf Association and a yearly membership for 2025 at any other Slovenian golf course.

Green fee -home players with yearly membership (9 holes)

eur 51

Players with valid membership card (for 2025) from Slovenian Golf Association and a yearly membership for 2025 at any other Slovenian golf course.

Tournament green fee

eur 63

Tournament green fee for all players withour a valid yearly membership unless otherwise specified with rules of turnament. 


1. Yearly membership holders.

Yearly membership holders are entitled to certain benefits as outlined in the Terms and Conditions for yearly membership holders.


All payments with 2-for-1 coupons are charged at a rate of €105.00, regardless of the day of the week. Payments for tournament green fees are not possible with 2-for-1 coupons (two people play in the reserved time slot). From January 1, 2025, only coupons issued in 2025 will be valid.

3. Yearly membership holders – Weekly membership

Weekly member pass holders who wish to play outside the designated time period (Monday to Friday), on holidays, or in tournaments can pay the green fee according to the price list.




Driving Range Use (34 practice balls): €3.50

40x Driving Range Use (40 baskets) + 10 baskets free: €130.00

20x Driving Range Use (20 baskets) + 3 baskets free: €65.00

Equipment Rentals:

Manual Trolley: €5.00

Electric Trolley: €15.00

Electric Cart (18 holes): €30.00

Electric Cart (9 holes): €20.00

Club Rental: €20.00

Locker Rentals (per year):

Large Equipment Locker: €180.00

Large Equipment Locker with Battery Charging: €280.00

Small Equipment Locker: €120.00

Small Equipment Locker with Battery Charging: €220.00

Personal Locker: €100.00

Annual Golf cart Rental: €1000.00

Rentals apply from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. Electric batteries are charged in fireproof lockers. Storage of batteries is at the user’s own risk.

Price list valid from December 20, 2024. All prices are in euros.




The annual membership is valid from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. 

The annual membership includes 150 green fees (tee times) for 9 or 18 holes.

Tee time reservations are available 3 days in advance via the online system and 2 days in advance directly at the reception or by phone.

Membership holders can invite up to 10 guests per year (Invited Player) who receive a discount on the daily green fee for 9 or 18 holes, as specified in the price list. Invited players must play in the same flight as the membership holder.

Twice a year, the membership holder can invite their spouse, who will receive a 50% discount on a daily green fee.

The membership covers green fees for tournaments during the 2025 season (entry fees are not included).

10% discount on game improvement lessons (individual session with a coach) when booking at the reception.

One-time free adjustment of HCP (regular game) is included.



The annual membership is valid from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. For all members holding a 2024 membership, the validity extends for one year from the expiration date of their 2024 membership, regardless of the purchase date.

The annual membership includes 50 rounds (tee times).

The membership is valid for play from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, and does not apply to tournament play. This includes weekday tournaments and club tournaments.

Tee time reservations can be made 3 days in advance via the online booking system or 2 days in advance directly at the reception.

Members are not eligible to invite fellow players with an additional discount.

Silver membership - 3300 eur


The annual membership is valid from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. For members holding a 2024 membership, the validity is extended for one year from the expiration of the 2024 membership, regardless of the purchase date.

Unlimited rounds (tee times).

€200 credit for culinary services in the CUBO Golf restaurant, redeemable during the membership validity period.

10% discount at the CUBO Golf restaurant.

Tee time reservations can be made 6 days in advance.

Special permission to play one hour before the official opening of the course during the season, weather permitting.

3x free green fees for 9 or 18 holes for invited guests. Invited players must play in the same flight as the member.

Up to 20x per year, members can invite guests who receive a discount on the daily green fee for 9 or 18 holes, as outlined in the price list. Invited players must play in the same flight as the member.

1x free annual membership for children or grandchildren under 15 years of age.

10x free use of a golf cart.

10% discount on golf cart rentals.

40x free driving range use (40 baskets of practice balls).

Annual locker rental for equipment.

Annual personal locker rental.

Access to lounge areas on the first floor, subject to availability.

10% discount on individual lessons with a coach when booked at the reception.

Participation in 4 group workshops to improve gameplay.

5x free handicap adjustment (regular games).

Free participation in tournaments (green fees included).

1x daily green fee at Royal Bled and 3x daily green fees at Golf Otočec.

Invitation for two people to all social events organized by CUBO Golf.

Gold membership - 4800 eur


Membership Validity: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. For members holding a 2024 membership, the validity extends for one year from the expiration of the 2024 membership, regardless of the purchase date.

Unlimited Rounds: Enjoy unlimited tee times throughout the membership period.

€200 Credit: Redeemable for culinary services at the CUBO Golf restaurant during the membership validity period.

Monthly Account: Members can keep an open monthly consolidated account.

12% Discount: Applies to purchases at the CUBO Golf restaurant.

Tee Time Reservations: Book up to 14 days in advance.

Early Play Access: Special permission to play one hour before the official course opening during the season (weather permitting).

Guest Green Fees: 5x free green fees for invited guests (9 or 18 holes). Guests must play in the same flight as the member.

Discount for Guests: Invite up to 40 guests per year, who receive discounted daily green fees (as per the price list). Guests must play in the same flight as the member.

Spouse Discount: 40% off green fees for your spouse.

Free Junior Membership: 1x annual membership for children or grandchildren (17 years or younger).

Free Golf Cart Use: Unlimited use of golf carts during the membership period.

Free Driving Range Use: Complimentary practice balls (baskets).

Equipment and Personal Lockers: Free locker rental for equipment and personal use.

Lounge Access: Access to lounge spaces on the first floor, subject to availability.

Meeting/Event Spaces: 5x free rental of clubhouse spaces for meetings or events.

Game Improvement Discount: 20% off individual coaching sessions when booked at the reception.

Workshops: Participate in 4 group workshops to improve gameplay.

Handicap Adjustments: Free handicap adjustments for regular games.

Tournament Participation: Free participation in CUBO tournaments (includes green fees and entry fees). Free green fees for other tournaments.

Partner Course Play: 3x daily green fees at Royal Bled and 5x daily green fees at Golf Otočec.

Exclusive Event Invitations: Invitations for two to all social events organized by CUBO Golf.

Yearly membership for couples - 4000 eur


Two Annual Memberships: Designed for spouses or partners.

Membership Validity: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. For members holding a 2024 membership, the validity extends for one year from the expiration of the 2024 membership, regardless of the purchase date.

Shared Rounds: Includes a total of 300 rounds (tee times) for 9 or 18 holes shared between both spouses or partners.

Tee Time Reservations: Book 3 days in advance online or 2 days in advance directly at the reception.

Guest Privileges: Invite up to 20 guests per year who receive discounts on daily green fees for 9 or 18 holes, as outlined in the price list. Guests must play in the same flight as the members.

Tournament Play: Valid for tournament play during the 2025 season (entry fees not included).

Game Improvement Discount: 10% off individual coaching sessions when booked at the reception.

Handicap Adjustments: One free handicap adjustment per person (regular games).

Valid from 20.12.2024. All prices are in eur.


For all the additional information regarding the yearly membership and all the additional limitations and requirements please contact our reception. 


DNEVNE IGRALNINE – igrišče Redna cena
9 – lukenj (otroci, mladinci do 18 let ali študenti)  25,oo EUR
18 – lukenj (otroci, mladinci do 18 let ali študenti)  35,00 EUR
9 – lukenj (otroci do 10 let) *Brezplačno
LETNE KARTE – igrišče Redna cena
Študenti (z veljavno študentsko izkaznico) 999,00 EUR
Mladinci od 16. do 18. leta 550,00 EUR
Mladinci od 11. do 15. leta 350,00 EUR
Letna karta otroci do 10 let *Brezplačno

*Ob igranju z odraslo osebo, ki ima letno karto na igrišču ali plača dnevno igralnino.

Da bo naša zelenica prijetno doživetje za vse udeležence, smo pripravili pravilnik, ki zajemata usmeritve glede uporabe igrišča in pravil igranja. Vse informacije lahko najdete v Pravilniku o igranju in etiki golfistov za sezono 2025.
DESETKA ZA SVEŽE ZAMAHE - paket za začetnike


-10 igralnin za 9 lukenj,
– koriščenje igralnin v terminih od 12:00-15:00 in od 17:00 ure naprej,
– veljavnost paketa za tečajnike, ki so v letih 2023 ali 2024 opravili tečaj golfa, z veljavno kartico Golf zveze in potrdilom o opravljenem tečaju,

– možnost brezplačne izposoje seta palic za imetnike paketa v času koriščenja paketa igralnin (glede na razpoložlivost).

– Ob nakupu paketa igralec prejme možnost pridobitve kartice Diners Golf Card, z brezplačno članarino za prvo leto in 2.000 nagradnih točk dobrodošlice.

*Predhodno je potrebna rezervacija termina igranja na recepciji igrišča. Recepcija igrišča se bo potrudila, v kolikor razmere dovoljujejo, da igralcem začetnikom ne pridružujemo preostalih igralcev.
Igralec lahko igralnine iz paketa izkoristi eno leto od nakupa.

Igralnine iz paketa niso prenosljive in jih lahko koristi zgolj kupec/imetnik paketa osebno. Igralec je upravičen do nakupa zgolj enega paketa igralnin.


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