The story begins at the foot of the Alps, where the city life in one of the most beautiful European capitals meets genuine nature. This is Slovenia and this is the CUBO Group with its wide offer, connecting this green land, which excels in its small size, connectivity and the genuineness of its hosts.
✔ 2 days of unlimited games of golf
✔ 2 overnight stays for two in the Hotel CUBO
✔ culinary indulgence
✔ explore Ljubljana with a bicycle
✔ romantic drive and recreation
✔ culinary adventure in nature
✔ CUBO experience of Slovenia
✔ 4 overnight stays for two
✔ adventures and cuisine
One of the most modern 18-hole golf courses in the region
Over 5 hectares (12.4 acres) to carry out golf tournaments and events of all kinds
Top Golf Academy with a junior school
The course is open 12 months of the year
Select culinary offer of the CUBO Golf Restaurant
The menu of the CUBO Golf Restaurant, which you will enjoy in the shade of the spacious terrace in the summer or hugged by the warmth of wood and the crackling of the fireplace in the winter, will satisfy all your flavours.
When thinking about an event that needs to include something more and needs to leave a remarkable impression, the CUBO golf conference facilities is surely a hit. The space enables the rental of halls and the restaurant for smaller business meetings or larger corporate events. You can also connect the space with the golf course and teach your business partners their first golf hits.
A romantic wedding, a picnic in nature or a birthday celebration in the company of a grill master and the best barman. The natural space offers even more possibilities, which can be shaped by your ideas and creativity, while we take care of the uncompromising performance.